Privacy Policy

Business Partners

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    If you are accessing this supply chain finance platform through a written agreement with one of PrimeRevenue’s third party resellers or other business partners (“Reseller”), the privacy policy of that Reseller applies to the exchange of information between you and that Reseller.  This Privacy Policy only governs PrimeRevenue’s use of your personal information.  Please contact the Reseller who provided you access to this supply chain platform if you have any questions about the Reseller’s Privacy Policy.


In this Privacy Policy, “users”, “you”, “your” and “yours” refers to the individual accessing the Sites and, where applicable, to the company or legal entity on whose behalf the individual is viewing this Privacy Policy.  PrimeRevenue, Inc. and its subsidiaries and corporate affiliates, are together referred to as “PrimeRevenue”, “us”, “we” and “our”.

At PrimeRevenue, we recognize that you, our users place a high value on the privacy of your personal information, and we want you to understand the kinds of information collected on the various websites operated by us, including program information and registration sites,, and the websites constituting the PrimeRevenue OpenSCi® platform (collectively, the “Sites”), and how your personal, corporate and other information may be used and shared as you use the supply chain finance and other services (the “Services”) available on the Sites.  All of this is described in this Privacy Policy, along with various ways in which the Sites treat your personal information.  This Privacy Policy includes the Terms of Use, which is incorporated herein. By clicking your acceptance, you agree to both this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use.



As used in this Privacy Policy, “personal information” means information that may be used to identify a specific individual, or that is about an identifiable individual (natural person), including but not limited to name, job title, email address, phone number, and personal identification such as a passport. “Corporate information” refers to information about your company, including but not limited to corporate name, location, and address. “Aggregate information” refers to combined demographic information, which has been derived from personal and/or corporate information but which cannot be reasonably used to identify any individual.

Legal Bases for Processing-EEA
For individuals from the European Economic Area (“EEA”), the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”) shall apply. PrimeRevenue, Inc., as the controller, collects and processes information about you only where it has a legal basis for doing so under the GDPR, as further described below.

The legal basis for the collection and processing of the personal information will depend on the type of information collected and the context in which it has been provided. PrimeRevenue collects and processes your personal information where:

It satisfies a legitimate interest which is not overridden by your data protection interests or your fundamental rights and freedoms;
It is necessary to provide the services to you and your company, provide customer support, and protect the security of the Sites;
You provide your consent for a specific purpose; or
It is necessary to comply with a legal obligation.
If your company registers in order to sell assets (such as receivables) on the Sites, your personal information will be used by PrimeRevenue and the funders (as controllers) for the legitimate business interests listed in the “Information We Collect On the Sites and How We Use It” portion of this Privacy Policy.

Your personal information will be retained for as long as necessary to provide the Services to your company and to other third parties with legitimate business interests in such information, in order for PrimeRevenue and other controllers to comply with applicable laws and enforce relevant legal agreements.

International Transfers; EU-U.S. and Swiss Privacy Shield

PrimeRevenue, Inc. is a U.S. based company with global operations, and your personal information will be transferred to and may be accessed from the U.S. and other third countries that may not have privacy and data protection laws that are equivalent to the laws of the various EU countries and the United Kingdom. To support these transfers, PrimeRevenue relies on standard contractual data protection clauses, and complies with the requirements of the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework and the Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information transferred from the European Union, the United Kingdom and Switzerland to the United States, respectively. PrimeRevenue has certified to the Department of Commerce that it adheres to the Privacy Shield Principles. If there is any conflict between the terms in this Privacy Policy and the Privacy Shield Principles, the Privacy Shield Principles shall govern. To learn more about the Privacy Shield program and to view PrimeRevenue’s certification, please visit

If you have a concern or complaint regarding PrimeRevenue’s processing of your personal information in compliance with the Privacy Shield, please contact PrimeRevenue via the methods described below in the “Contacting Us” portion of this Privacy Policy. For any complaints that cannot be resolved satisfactorily with PrimeRevenue directly, you may contact the International Centre for Dispute Resolution of the American Arbitration Association (ICDR), which is the independent third-party dispute resolution body chosen by PrimeRevenue. You may contact them at the following website: ICDR has committed to respond to complaints and to provide appropriate recourse at no cost to you. If neither PrimeRevenue nor ICDR resolves your complaint, a binding arbitration option is available to you under the Privacy Shield to resolve residual complaints that have not been resolved by the other means offered by the Privacy Shield. This arbitration is managed by the Privacy Shield Panel. You may also have the right to complain to a data protection authority in the United Kingdom, or the EU country in which you live or where you feel your rights were infringed.

PrimeRevenue remains accountable for personal information that it receives under the Privacy Shield and any subsequent transfers to a third party as described in the Privacy Shield Principles. PrimeRevenue remains responsible and liable under the Privacy Shield Principles if third-party agents that it engages to process the personal information on its behalf do so in a manner inconsistent with the Principles, unless PrimeRevenue proves that it is not responsible for the event giving rise to the damage.

PrimeRevenue’s commitments under the Privacy Shield are subject to the investigatory and enforcement powers of the U.S. Federal Trade Commission.

PrimeRevenue may be compelled to disclose personal information in response to lawful requests by public authorities, including for purposes of national security or law enforcement.

In compliance with the Privacy Shield Principles and GDPR, EU and United Kingdom individuals have the right to: receive confirmation of whether PrimeRevenue possesses personal information about them; to request access to the personal information that PrimeRevenue maintains about them; and to request corrections or limitations on the use of such personal information. These requests are subject to the processes described in the “Accessing and Controlling Your Information” and “Choices and Opt-Out” portions of this Privacy Policy.

Information We Collect On the Sites and How We Use It
We collect and use personal and corporate information in the specific ways listed below:

Personal Data Collected for Legitimate Business Interest

User Accounts. If you are a user of the PrimeRevenue OpenSCi® platform and have received log-in instructions from PrimeRevenue’s customer support or sales teams for use of the password-protected portion of the Sites, you may use those instructions to log in. Upon log-in, you may be asked to register, and following the prompts, supply your name, company name, title, office location, email address and phone number (hereafter, “Contact Information”). This Contact Information is used to communicate with you and to carry out actions you request on the Sites, such as requests for support, and to track the transactions that are performed on a Site.

In connection with registration on a Site, PrimeRevenue collects other information, such as your IP address, which may be considered personal information in some jurisdictions. This information is used for purposes of validation, verification of a user account, tracking of transactions that you perform on a Site, security of the Site and other purposes.

Webinar Registration. Users may register directly on the Sites for PrimeRevenue webinars or other training services in order to receive specialized training in the functionality of the PrimeRevenue OpenSCi® systems and Services, and education on related topics. Those registering for these webinars are required to provide their Contact Information, which is used to register for the webinars and to communicate with you about these and related offerings.

Information Requests and Feedback. The Sites contain various user interfaces to allow visitors to the Sites to request more information about our products and Services, to use the functionalities of the Sites, or to provide us feedback about them. Contact Information is requested in each case, along with information about your computing environment and/or industry, and details of your request or reported feedback. This information is used in order to allow us to respond to your requests, to assure that our software and Services work correctly with your computing environment, to better understand our users’ needs or your specific issue, and to communicate with you about your requests and feedback, and to execute on the actions that you request via the various functions on the Sites.

Web Logs. Like most standard website servers, we may log IP addresses (a unique number assigned to every computer on the Internet) in order to improve security, analyze trends, administer the Sites, and perform the Services. We may track your movement within the Sites, the pages from which you were referred, access times and browser types. This information may include the browser you are using, the internet address from which you linked to our Sites, the unique IP address of the computer you used to access our Sites, your geographic location, and usage and browsing habits. We use this information in the aggregate to gauge the effectiveness of our Sites, analyze trends, track user movement in the aggregate, and gather broad demographic information. We may also use personal and corporate information we collect through web logs to send you targeted offers and other communications.

Cookies. As a security measure, and to help make sure you receive information that is relevant to you, our Sites uses data “cookies.” Cookies are small text files that are stored on a user’s computer that identify a specific user the next time they access the Sites.

We use session cookies in order to control the routing of requests to our servers, as well as to make it easier for you to navigate our Sites. This is an anonymous cookie and no personal data is stored. A session cookie expires when you close your browser. We may use persistent cookies to differentiate visitors to our Sites from registered users, to customize the content of certain sections of the Sites, to change the way the Sites behave or look (such as your preferred language) and to enable us to track and enhance users’ experience on the Sites. In addition, we may use session or persistent log-in cookies to facilitate your use of protected areas of the Sites, and across multiple Sites. You will not be able to log on to one or more Sites if you set your system to turn off cookies. A persistent cookie remains on your hard drive for an extended period of time. You can remove persistent cookies by following directions provided in your Internet browser’s “help” file. Cookies help us learn which areas of our Sites are useful and which areas need improvement. We will not use cookies to collect any personal information about you. You may configure your browser to prevent cookies from being set on your computer. If you reject cookies, our security protocols may prevent you from accessing the Sites, and you may not be able to use certain features of the Sites.

Web Beacons and Pixel Tags. Our web pages and emails may contain “web beacons” or “pixel tags.” Web beacons and pixel tags allow us to track receipt of an email, count users that have visited a web page or opened an email that contains a web beacon and collect other types of aggregate information. Using this information, we are able to measure the effectiveness of our content and how visitors use our Sites. This allows us to learn what pages are most attractive to our visitors, which parts of our Sites are the most interesting and what kind of offers our registered users like to see. Some of the web beacons that are in place on our Sites are used only by us, and other web beacons are from our service providers who use this data to assist us in analyzing how our Sites are used. Once you provide Contact Information to us after clicking on an email that contains a web beacon, your Contact Information may subsequently be cross-referenced to the source email and the relevant web beacon or pixel tag information.

General Uses. We use your personal information in ways consistent with the reason for which you provide it to us, and for other legitimate business purposes, including in order to: (i) verify your identity, (ii) help us improve our products and services and develop and market new products and services, (iii) carry out the transaction, activity or request made by you on the Sites, (iv) investigate or settle inquiries or disputes, (v) comply with any applicable law, court order, other judicial process, or the requirements of a regulator, (vi) enforce our agreements with your company, (vii) protect the rights, property or safety of us or third parties, including other users of the Sites, (viii) provide support and network and information security for the Services, (ix) to detect, prevent, mitigate and investigate fraud or illegal activities and monitor suspicious activity, and (x) as otherwise required or permitted by law.

Personal Data Collected Based on Consent
Surveys. Surveys may appear on the Sites or via email, and in such case, with your consent, we will collect Contact Information from the participants in the survey. This information will be used to administer the survey, to analyze its results and for other specific purposes, which are disclosed at the time of collection. Survey responses will be aggregated and depersonalized before survey results are shared with any third parties.

Email Communications. Submission of your email address on the Sites will result in your being added to our mailing list for purposes of product updates, promotional and marketing messages and other communications, until such time as you opt out and withdraw your consent. In some of our email messages, we use a “click-through URL” linked to certain websites administered by or on behalf of PrimeRevenue. PrimeRevenue may track click-through data to assist in determining interest in particular topics and measure the effectiveness of these communications. If you prefer not to be tracked in this way, you should not click on text or graphic links in the email messages. See below under “Choices and Opt-Out” to understand how you may control use of your Contact Information.

This section may be superseded or supplemented with regard to transactional data collected via use of the Services by the terms of any definitive agreement that your company has previously signed with PrimeRevenue governing your use of the Sites and the Services.

Choices and Opt-Out
PrimeRevenue communicates with its users by means of emails containing service-related messages and/or promotional and marketing information and materials.

As it relates to promotional and marketing messages, you can choose not to receive such promotional and marketing messages from PrimeRevenue in the future by either following the “unsubscribe” instructions located near the bottom of each marketing email, or by emailing us at PrimeRevenue at or sending postal mail to the following address:

PrimeRevenue, Inc.

600 Peachtree Street, Suite 4400

Atlanta, GA 30308


As it relates to service-related messages, you can choose not to receive service-related messages from PrimeRevenue in the future by emailing us at PrimeRevenue at or sending postal mail to the above address.

Please note, changes may not be effective immediately but will be made as provided under applicable law.

In addition, please note that an email address is a required field in order for your company to use the PrimeRevenue Sites and opting out will result in your company’s inability to use the PrimeRevenue Services. Should you desire to remove your email address from PrimeRevenue Sites, you can inform us by emailing us at PrimeRevenue at To continue using the PrimeRevenue Services, your company will need to provide another user email address.

Accessing and Controlling Your Personal Information
If you are a registered user of the Sites, you can access, correct and update your personal information at any time. For security reasons, we will take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or enabling you to make corrections. To access your personal and corporate information, return to the web page where you originally entered it and follow the instructions on that page. For security reasons, certain areas of the Sites may limit access to particular persons through the use of individual ID’s and passwords. You may also contact us for instructions on how to correct or modify the information you provide through the Sites. If for any reason you are concerned that the personal or corporate information you provided to us is not correct and you cannot change it by accessing your account, or should you wish to have your email address removed from our mailing list or contact information changed, please contact us at We will be happy to review, update or remove information as appropriate. We may still retain your personal information in our files however, to resolve disputes, enforce this Privacy Policy or our Terms of Use, and due to technical and legal requirements and constraints related to the security, integrity and operation of our Sites.

If you are from the EEA and have provided consent to use your personal information for a specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw your consent. Any withdrawal does not affect any processing that has already occurred. Where PrimeRevenue or a third party has a legitimate interest in using your personal information, you have the right to object to that use, but this means that you can no longer log on to the Sites. In this situation, your company will be required to provide contact information for another user to continue using the PrimeRevenue Services. If you have a statutory right to request erasure of your personal information, PrimeRevenue will honor that request, subject to any requirement to retain that personal information in accordance with applicable laws, statutes and regulations. With respect to personal information, we may share with other third parties, we provide customers and service providers located in the EEA, the UK, and Switzerland with an opportunity to opt-out of such sharing. Please email us at (with a copy to if you would like to opt-out.

How We Share Your Personal Information
We do not share your personal information collected on the Sites with third parties without your permission, except as set forth herein, or as otherwise necessary or appropriate to (i) carry out the transaction, activity or request made by you on the Sites, (ii) comply with any applicable law, court order, other judicial process, or the requirements of a regulator, (iii) enforce our agreements with your company, (iv) protect the rights, property or safety of us or third parties, including other users of the Sites, (v) perform investigative security analysis on the Sites, or (vi) as otherwise required or permitted by law. This section may be superseded or supplemented with regard to transactional data collected via use of the Services by the terms of any definitive agreement that your company has previously signed with PrimeRevenue governing your use of the Sites and the Services.

We will share your personal and corporate information with our subsidiaries, affiliates and other related companies for purposes that are consistent with this Privacy Policy. Data collected online may also be combined with information that you provide when you register to use any of the Sites.

Your personal information will be shared with one or more funders when your company registers in order to sell assets (such as receivables) on the Sites, for the purposes described in the “Legal Bases for Processing and Transfers – EEA” portion of this Privacy Policy.

In the event of a corporate transaction such as a sale, merger or reorganization or of a bankruptcy or similar restructuring involving all or a portion of PrimeRevenue, we reserve the right to disclose or transfer your personal and corporate information to the non-affiliated third party acquiring company(ies) and other third parties. In the event of such a sale or transfer, we will use reasonable efforts to direct the transferee(s) to use personal and corporate information you have provided through the Sites in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Policy.

We may collect and share aggregate website statistical information (such as downloads, survey results, traffic patterns or related information) with third parties.

Finally, we may hire contractors to provide certain services on our behalf, including information processing and storage, site hosting, database maintenance, electronic marketing, data analysis, or other services. These contractors are required to maintain the confidentiality of information they receive from us and are restricted from using the information for any purposes other than those authorized by us.

Children’s Privacy
The Sites are not intended for or directed to persons less than 13 years of age. We do not knowingly solicit or collect personal information from children, and we do not knowingly market our services to children. If you are under 13 years of age, do not use the Sites.

The Sites have reasonable technical and organizational measures in place to protect against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against the accidental loss, destruction or damage of the information under our control. When you submit sensitive information via our Sites, such as support requests, that information is protected by physical, electronic and managerial procedures to secure the information that we collect via the Sites, including secure sockets layer (SSL) encryption technology. However, no data or email transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed as 100% secure or error free. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information during transmission, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us or receive from us. We urge you to take steps to keep your personal information safe (including your account password), log out of your account after each use, and close your web browser.

Other Sites
The Sites may contain links and interactive functionality interacting with the websites of third parties. We are not responsible for and have no liability for the functionality, actions, inactions, privacy settings, privacy policies and content of any such website. Before enabling the sharing functions of the Sites to communicate with any such website, we strongly recommend that you review and understand the privacy policies, settings and information sharing functions of each such third party website. The links and interactive functionality for third party sites on the Sites in no way constitute an endorsement by PrimeRevenue of these third party websites.

Suggestions, materials or other intellectual property sent or transmitted to us via our Sites, including all feedback regarding the Sites, are governed by the separate terms applicable to such materials identified at the time of submission (if any). If no such terms are identified, all right, title and interest to all such materials and information shall belong to PrimeRevenue. All such items shall be deemed to be non-confidential, and we shall have no obligation of any kind with respect to such items and shall be free to use and distribute them to others without limitation, including, but not limited to developing and marketing products incorporating them.

Acceptance of Privacy Policy and Legal Terms
By using the Sites, you signify your acceptance of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not submit any personal information to us through our Sites.

If you choose to visit the Sites, your visit and any dispute over privacy are subject to this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use, including limitations on damages to the extent permitted by law, resolution of dispute procedures, and application of law. Choice of law may be superseded or supplemented by the terms of any definitive agreement that your company has previously signed with PrimeRevenue governing your use of the Sites and the Services.

Contacting Us
If you have any concerns about the privacy practices of the Sites, please contact us at following address with a detailed description, and we will try to resolve it:

PrimeRevenue, Inc.

Attention: Chief Legal Officer

600 Peachtree Street, Suite 4400

Atlanta, GA 30308


Changes to Privacy Policy
Please check this Privacy Policy periodically to inform yourself of any changes. Business needs and information technology are constantly changing. PrimeRevenue may, from time to time, makes changes to the way we handle information. If we make material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will post such revised policy on our Sites and notify you via notices posted on the Sites, by email or otherwise as permitted by law. This Privacy Policy was last updated on the date indicated below. Your continued use of the Sites after any changes or revisions to this Privacy Policy shall indicate your agreement with the terms of such revised Privacy Policy.

Effective Date: March 12, 2021

Stephanie Wargo

VP, Global Head of Marketing

Stephanie joined PrimeRevenue in 2015 and oversees the company’s global marketing team and strategy. With a data-driven approach, Stephanie focuses on demand generation and thought leadership to drive brand awareness, strengthen client/partner relationships, and generate new sales opportunities. Stephanie has guided PrimeRevenue through new technology releases and an evolving FinTech landscape. In addition to leading PrimeRevenue’s internal and external communications, she implemented innovative demand generation and marketing strategies to enhance the company’s overall sales pipeline.

Stephanie has extensive experience in marketing and customer success. She previously served as Vice President of Marketing and Communications at BitPay and Vice President of Client Relations and Marketing at FirstView Financial. Stephanie earned a B.A. degree in Political Science from Agnes Scott College in Decatur, Georgia.

Brian Medley

VP, Global Head of Sales

Brian joined PrimeRevenue in early 2012, after more than 20 years of sales leadership, executive-level consultant and business growth experience. As VP, Global Head of Sales, Brian leads a growing team of fintech sales professionals with a focus on developing strong customer relationships, improving sales predictability and helping PrimeRevenue enter the lucrative mid-market.

Prior to PrimeRevenue, Brian honed his enterprise software sales leadership skills at Clarus Corporation. He also served as an operations and IT management consultant for Kurt Salmon Associates. In addition to his sales and consulting background, Brian has deep experience in the financial industry having founded a successful residential mortgage broker and lending business. He is a graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology having earned a B.S. in Industrial Engineering and Economics and M.B.A. in Global Business.

Jason Green

SVP, Global Customer Success

Jason joined PrimeRevenue in 2021 following more than two decades in the fintech/financial services industry. He brings a strong background is sales leadership due to his impressive relationship building capability as well as a successful track record in creating structure and process improvements. In his role, Jason uses his keen attention to detail to strengthen the customer experience and enhance the company’s solutions to deliver more value to clients.

Prior to joining the company, Jason held several senior level and executive roles with a focus on building and scaling sales and support organizations at both large and small companies. Jason graduated from Murray State University with a B.S in Marketing.

Matt Ford

SVP, Global Product Innovation

Matt joined PrimeRevenue in early 2015 and is responsible for overseeing all commercial, strategic and operational aspects of PrimeRevenue’s supply chain finance offerings throughout EMEA, based in Prague. He has been instrumental in gaining global alignment and developing supplier enablement processes for the region.

Matt joined PrimeRevenue following a 15-year career at Morgan Stanley, where he worked in fixed income operations covering debt syndication through bonds, EMTNS, corporate loans and other debt securitization. Notably, he set up non-core location operations in Europe (Budapest) and all lending operations in Baltimore from scratch.

Matt, who was born and raised in South East England, earned a B.S. in Sports Science at University of Teesside where he mastered the art of TEAM development and accountability as a youth international rugby player.

Dominic Capolongo

EVP, Global Head of Funding

Dominic joined PrimeRevenue in 2016, and is responsible for leading our bank and capital markets funding strategies and execution. He focuses on building global, scalable and highly efficient funding structures that maximize options for supporting PrimeRevenue’s programs. Dominic began his career as an attorney and was a partner with Kaye Scholer before joining DLJ as a senior banker. Dominic brings tremendous strategic and capital markets experience in all areas of finance having held senior positions at, among others, Credit Suisse and RBC Capital Markets in addition to DLJ. Dominic earned a JD from Fordham University School of Law and a BA from SUNY Binghamton.

Gavin Cicchinelli

Chief Operating Officer

Gavin joined PrimeRevenue as Chief Operating Officer in 2021. With more than two decades of leadership and executive experience along with a deep understanding of the payments space, Gavin provides a unique focus on improving and strengthening operational strategies and implementing GTM growth execution. He is responsible for leading transformation across corporate and operational strategies as well as building a repeatable and scalable commercial growth strategy that aligns with PrimeRevenue’s core business while delivering key adjacent growth opportunities.

Prior to joining PrimeRevenue, Gavin served as President and Chief Revenue Officer of Integrated Solutions at TSYS, a global payment processing services company acquired by Global Payments (NYSE:GPN). There, he also served as Head of Product and divisional COO. Throughout his career, Gavin has held multiple leadership positions including VP of Sales, SVP of Business Development, and President of Financial Institutions. Gavin graduated from the University of Northern Colorado, Greeley.

David Quillian

Chief Legal Officer

David joined PrimeRevenue as General Counsel in 2007. He and his team have been instrumental in successfully creating the unique legal structures that support PrimeRevenue’s multi-funder model and global funding capabilities. David is also the lead named inventor on PrimeRevenue’s two patents for Electronic Time Drafts, which allow PrimeRevenue to manage supply chain finance programs using electronic negotiable instruments as opposed to accounts receivable. Prior to PrimeRevenue, David was General Counsel at Harbor Payments, which was acquired by American Express (AXP) in 2006, and Magnet Communications, which was acquired by Digital Insight (DGIN) in 2003. He holds degrees in Economics and History from Duke University, and Juris Doctor and M.B.A. degrees from the University of Georgia.

Nathan Feather


Nathan has successfully ushered PrimeRevenue from our very early days as a visionary startup, through the financial crisis to today’s position as a thriving mid-sized leader in the cloud-enabled supply chain finance marketplace since joining PrimeRevenue in January 2006. He was instrumental in recapitalizing the company with an $80M investment led by BBH Capital Partners in 2015. Prior to PrimeRevenue, he held various financial management roles with Ariba, Freemarkets and PriceWaterhouseCoopers. Nathan holds a BS in Accounting from Pennsylvania State University.

PJ Bain


PJ has an impressive and accomplished track record as an enterprise software entrepreneur and executive. PJ has built a solid record of success with PrimeRevenue since being appointed Chief Executive Officer in July of 2009. The company has received numerous awards for growth, customer service, innovation, along with being recognized as a top employer.

PJ is a life-long software and technology entrepreneur having been involved in numerous firms in the roles of founder, executive, advisor and investor. Immediately prior to PrimeRevenue, PJ was the VP and General Manager of Exact Holding N.V. (NYSE/AMS: EXACT), a leading global provider of business software solutions. He was previously Founder and CEO of Inspired Solutions, an Atlanta-based, B2B software and services firm that grew to be the largest reseller of Exact Software in North America, later acquired by Exact. PJ holds a Bachelor of Industrial Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology.